ESL Prevention Mechanism

A “School Intervention Workflow” mechanism will be developed by the Tool Group (TG). The tools will be elaborated based on findings synthesised in the Preliminary country reports related to ESL realities, in target countries. The TG will integrate the warning signs of risk of ESL identified, the patterns of situations with high risk of ESL and the Profile of at-risk student in target countries. The TG will use as well the findings in the SWAT report elaborated by the TG following discussions with school stakeholders. It will use an interactive database to assist teachers to record and correlate information throughout the process. The mechanism in a final draft form will be presented to the teachers in a 1-day workshop organised by the field experts at each school level, and feedback will be asked in order to make sure that the contents are adapted and respond to the realities of the educational system. We will organise as well, a 2-day workshop at the county regional level (in each county/region where we have target schools) with institutional governmental and non-governmental stakeholders from the local and regional level relevant for the field of education and ESL prevention. The participants will be invited to contribute to improving the mechanism and instruments created and will validate them. The teachers will go to a series of trainings based on curricula described in the following couple of outputs prior to applying the mechanism in their schools.

Each partner will organise training courses. Teachers will be trained on the efficient use of the mechanism created. The training course will have two consecutive components: the main Training Session (2 days) and a Follow-up session (1 day) offered to the same teachers after the TG finishes the process of refining the Toolkit. The Follow-up session will have the objective to update teachers on the mechanism and associated instruments and give them the opportunity to consolidate their acquired skills. Teachers will be trained to rank ESL issues and choose those that can be effectively addressed at the school level and refer the rest to the community level. Events will be organised within the community. Teachers will start applying the mechanism and the associated instruments in their schools while the field implementing partners will provide field support through experts. They will be available on the field and on phone/skype as well in order to coach teachers. Field experts will assist teachers in efficiently planning and implementing ESL preventive actions. Teachers will apply the toolkit in their own schools in cooperation with the students, with the other teachers who have classes with the same student, with the school leadership and with parents. They will: – scan for ESL warning signs according to the checklist, – perform the students’ educational needs analysis, – identify students at risk of ESL, – elaborate personalised intervention plans, – feed the information into a database of problems that students at risk of ESL are facing. – rank ESL issues and choose those that can be effectively addressed at the school level and refer the others to the community level Two transnational webinars with all teachers in all target schools will be organised on the course of the project. Their objectives will be to facilitate teachers to share results, experiences and lessons learned. The webinars will be facilitated by Bergamo University with the technical support of AcrossLimits. Each country will ensure interprets to translate during discussions. The TG will monitor, evaluate and improve the efficiency of the mechanism and the database architecture and usability, 9 months after they started to be used in schools, based on feedback from teachers who used them. A feedback collection instrument will be developed by the TG. The field experts will collect feedback.

Teachers will start applying the mechanism and the associated instruments in their schools while the field implementing partners will provide field support through experts. They will be available on the field and on phone/skype as well in order to coach teachers. Field experts will assist teachers in effective planning and implementing ESL preventive actions. Teachers will apply the toolkit in their own schools in cooperation with the students, with the other teachers who have classes with the same student, with the school leadership and with parents. They will: – scan for ESL warning signs according to the checklist, – perform the students’ educational needs analysis, – identify students at risk of ESL, – elaborate personalised intervention plans, – feed the information into a database of problems that students at risk of ESL are facing. – rank ESL issues and choose those that can be effectively addressed at the school level and refer the others to the community level’. Two transnational webinars with all teachers in all target schools will be organised on the course of the project. Their objectives will be to facilitate teachers to share results, experiences and lessons learned. The webinars will be facilitated by Bergamo University with the technical support of AcrossLimits.

Two transnational webinars with all teachers in all target schools will be organised on the throughout the lifetime of the project. Their objectives will be to facilitate teachers enabling them to share results, experiences and lessons learned. The webinars will be facilitated by Bergamo University with the technical support of AcrossLimits. Each country will ensure interpreters to translate during discussions. The TG will monitor, evaluate and improve the efficiency of the mechanism and the database architecture and usability, 9 months after the use in schools, based on feedback from teachers who used them. A feedback collection instrument will be developed by the TG. The field experts will collect feedback.